EcoIQ Video
Sustainable Lifestyles

Sustainable LifestylesOnline videos of interviews and presentations included in this section focus on sustainable lifestyles, eco-friendly consumer products, green jobs, and making life choices to improve both our quality of life and the environment. Topics include making sustainable purchasing decisions, understanding where the products and foods we consume come from and how they are made, and identifying eco-friendly and non-toxic products.

Specific issues include eco-friendly furniture and other green products for the home, non-toxic cleaning products, eco-friendly fashion, clothing and cosmetics, green lifestyle media, the green jobs movement, lifestyle issues related to both parenting and retirement, and how to reduce wasteful lifestyle choices and save money at the same time. This section also includes videos that discuss other ways that we can make more sustainable choices, for example when planning recreation or vacations, or even when planning for a funeral.

A Conversation On "Kitchen Literacy" - Part 1. Online interview with Ann Vileisis. Discusses how our relationship with food has changed from pre-industrial times to our present industrialized food production and distribution methods. About 15 minutes. Play Video - Part 1, 2, 3.

Reaching New Audiences About Green Issues. Presentation excerpts by Betsy Rosenberg. Rosenberg talks about the importance of not just talking to those who are already environmentally aware - about her efforts through her radio show and public presentations to reach a larger audience. About 8 minutes. Play Video >>

Eco-Fashion & Sustainability. TV documentary excerpt featuring Summer Rayne Oakes.
Oakes talks about how she has combined her Cornell degree in environmental sciences and her modeling and fashion career into a way of promoting eco-fashion and awareness of the environmental impacts of the fashion industry. About 4 minutes. Play Video >>

The Lazy Environmentalist. Presentation by Josh Dorfman. Author discusses his book The Lazy Environmentalist as a part of the Authors@Google series. About 49 minutes. Play Video >>

Lazy Environmentalist on Healthy Homes. Online presentation by Josh Dorfman. Dorfman discusses reputable third-party organizations that help ensure the eco-friendliness of the materials and products we buy for our homes. About 4 minutes. Play Video >>

Kitchen Literacy. Online interview with Ann Vileisis. Vileisis explains the reasons why she wrote Kitchen Literacy and the research she undertook to uncover the history and sources of the food we eat. About 5 minutes. Play Video >>

Bottled Water Is Bottled Waste. Presentation excerpts by Jay Weinstein. Explains why bottled water is both unnecessary and bad for the environment, and why using tap water is better for us, the environment, and our wallets. About 2 minutes. Play Video >> | Play QuickTime >>

Ecofashion & Green Collar Jobs. Online interview with Summer Rayne Oakes. Oakes discusses her involvement with the first eco-lifestyle network (Planet Green), eco-fashion and the green jobs movement. About 9 minutes. Play Video >>

"" The Story Of Stuff. From extraction as natural resources through manufacture, sale, use and disposal, all the stuff in our lives affects communities at home and abroad, yet most of this is hidden from view. The Story of Stuff is a fast-paced, fact-filled look at the underside of our production and consumption patterns. It exposes the connections between a huge number of environmental and social issues, and calls us together to create a more sustainable and just world. About 21 minutes. Play Video >>

"" A One Planet Life. Through creative visual techniques, this video shows what it would be like if everyone on the planet had the same level of consumption as currently exists in the United States. It includes an Earth Day message asking people to start to live green. About 1 minute. Play Video >>

"" Sustainable Living: Concerts With A Conscience. Performance sampler by The Eco-Tones. Multi-media performances that weave together practical ideas for satisfying and sustainable living with music that is both entertaining and thought provoking. About 4 minutes. Play Video >>