this updated edition of the landmark Plan B, Brown outlines a survival strategy for our early twenty-first-century
civilization. The world faces many environmental trends of disruption
and decline, including rising temperatures and spreading water shortage.
In addition to these looming threats, we face the peaking of oil,
annual population growth of 70 million, a widening global economic
divide, and a growing list of failing states. The scale and complexity
of issues facing our fast-forward world have no precedent. With
Plan A, business as usual, we have neglected these issues. In Plan
B 3.0, Brown warns that the only effective response now is a World War II-type
mobilization like that in the United States after the attack on
Pearl Harbor. Look inside Plan
B 3.0on Google
by Treehugger >>
First off, a disclaimer: Lester Brown has been a hero of mine (and
featured on TreeHugger TV interviews as well as posting himself
on climate refugees) at least since 2003, when in front of a gathering
of sustainability experts in a Portland conference room I asked
him why he didn't help us all out and run for U.S. president. Brown
laughed with the rest of the crowd, then moved right on to the next
question. He obviously had a much bigger agenda in mind - such as
saving the entire planet
by Grinning Planet >>
Falling water tables, soil erosion, and advancing deserts
threaten our agricultural lands; drinking water shortages afflict
much of the world's people and threaten to affect many more in the
years to come; the peaking of global oil supplies threatens the
world's economy; the collapse of many of the planet's fisheries
threatens one of the world's best protein sources; and global warming
threatens everything
by Guardian News >>
This is a scary book. Last summer, in a single week, an area of
Arctic ice twice the size of Britain disappeared. Glaciers are melting
so quickly that some scientists say sea levels could rise by two
metres this century. Rising temperatures, shrinking forests, disappearing
species - we are destroying the planet and endangering civilisation.
Plan A is business as usual and, as Lester Brown makes abundantly
clear, that is no longer an option. More
and President of Earth Policy Institute, he has been described as
"one of the world's most influential thinkers" by the Washington
Post. The Telegraph of Calcutta called him "the guru
of the environmental movement." Before starting Earth Policy
Institute, he founded Worldwatch Institute and was its President for
26 years. In that capacity, he launched the World Watch Papers,
the annual State of the World report, the bimonthly magazine
World Watch, the annual Vital Signs, and the Institute's
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Portions of presentations as well as segments from interviews are available here
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Two NPR Science Friday interviews here
Articles >>
Articles covering the problems associated with ethanol production, water
shortages, and the Earth's population carrying capacity, as well as several
interviews, are here
Books By Brown >>
The author or coauthor of 50 books, he is one of the world's most widely
published authors. His books have appeared in some 40 languages. See all Brown’s books here
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