Presentations, Panels, Interviews,
Radio Shows
Eco-Performances & Documentaries
This page is an index of audio programs, including presentations, presentation excerpts, panel discussions, documentary interviews, online interviews, talk radio guest appearances, broadcast radio news and feature stories, green performances, and radio documentaries, for speakers, performers and authors with last names starting with "G."
Lois Gibbs
Love Canal 35 Years Later. Interview with Lois Gibbs. Love Canal was a toxic dump for chemical waste used by the Hooker Chemical Company in the 1950s in Niagara Falls, New York. In the next 20 years, two schools and 900 homes were built on or near Love Canal. A young housewife, Lois Gibbs, lived there, and tells host Steve Curwood of PRI’s Living On Earth that more than half the children had birth defects. She organized the community and led a precedent-setting fight against the federal government to get all the families relocated. Listen Here >>
Steven Gilbert
Better Living through Chemistry? Interview with Steven Gilbert & Rich Grady. We depend on chemicals in consumer products to perform as expected, and to be safe. But our regulatory system is not adequately protecting us from potential hazards in our food cans, diapers, shower curtains, baby bottles, and other consumer products. This interview includes discussion of the need for better regulation of consumer products, the precautionary approach to chemical regulation, and the importance of state-level policy change. Listen Here >>
Interview With Bill Browning: The Early Days Of Green Building. Interview conducted by David
Gottfried. Browning discusses biomimicry and some of his favorite green projects, including the early days of the green building movement and our “Greening of the White House” initiative. He has written several important sustainable building books, including Green Development, and he was the first environmental organization member of the U.S. Green Building Council in 1992. Listen Here >>
Interview With Renowned Architect Peter Ellis. Interview conducted by David Gottfried. Ellis discusses his work on very large site and city design, including Jaypee Sports City that is home to a million people in India, 30 miles south of New Delhi. His city and campus design practice embraces new concepts on transportation, water, energy and waste. Another specialty is the re-structuring of America’s 19th-century cities, focusing on how they could contribute positively to the natural environment. Listen Here >>
The Explosion Green and Creating a Sustainable Home. Online audio discussion with David
Gottfried. Features discussion of Explosion Green, a twenty-year memoir about David on his quest to green the planet. It also includes a topic that is an essential component of healing ourselves and the planet: Rewiring the brain for survival in the 21st century. Listen Here >>
Method to the Madness. Interview with David Gottfried. Lisa Kiefer interviews the father of the green building movement about the California drought and specific mitigation and adaptation techniques for California residents. Listen Here >>
Rich Grady
Better Living through Chemistry? Interview with Steven Gilbert & Rich Grady. We depend on chemicals in consumer products to perform as expected, and to be safe. But our regulatory system is not adequately protecting us from potential hazards in our food cans, diapers, shower curtains, baby bottles, and other consumer products. This interview includes discussion of the need for better regulation of consumer products, the precautionary approach to chemical regulation, and the importance of state-level policy change. Listen Here >>
Alexandra Gross
The Fresh Food Movement. David Steinman interviews Alexandra Gross. Individuals and grassroots organizations in rural and urban areas are on a mission to provide good food to people of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds. For example, farm-to-school programs have become options for thousands of school districts and food service programs are integrating fresh fruits and vegetables from local farms or from campus or community gardens into their menus. Listen Here >>
Dan Grossman
Electric Car Sharing Service In Paris Gains Popularity. NPR Here & Now story by Dan Grossman. Autolib members rent electric cars for about 20 cents per minute. And, unlike most car sharing programs in the U.S., members don’t have to return a car to the place where they picked it up. They can leave it at one of 4,000 reserved parking spots spread out all over Paris. Industry analysts say the service and others like it might soon be available in the U.S. and elsewhere around the world. Listen Here >>
Elizabeth Grossman
How Toxins Impact Our Lives. Interview with Elizabeth Grossman. Discussion of the everyday toxics to which we are exposed, including both new technologies such as nanotech as well as more familiar products such as cosmetics, electronics, pharmaceuticals, and textiles. Grossman offers tips on what we all can do right now to reduce our exposure to toxins. Listen Here >> | Part 2 >>
Outdoor Workers Suffer As Temperatures Rise. Interview with Elizabeth Grossman. Discussion of the federal standards that are needed in order to address heat-induced illness and death at U.S. job sites. Listen Here >>
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