EcoIQ Advisors
EcoIQ’s Advisors made their considerable experience and expertise available in the period between 1998 and 2008. Their biographical information has not been updated since 2008, and they are no longer actively engaged in advisory roles. Nevertheless, we continue to be grateful for their willingness to make their wisdom available during the first decade of EcoIQ.com’s online efforts.
Rob Caughlan
Vice President of The Roanoke Company, a full service advertising
and public relations firm. Caughlan's work spans corporate, political,
and organizational communications with an emphasis on media concept,
production of print, video, and television materials, press relations,
and campaign strategy. Caughlan was a member of the White House staff
under President Carter, was a special assistant at the Environmental
Protection Agency, and was general partner inVoice of the Planet,
a ten-part television series on global environmental issues produced
by Turner Broadcasting. He was also President of the Surfrider Foundation,
and led that organization to victory in one of the nation's largest
Clean Water Act enforcement lawsuits.
Duane Elgin
Leader of The Millennium Project. He is the primary author of The
Millennium Project report Global Consciousness Change: Indicators
of an Emerging Pardigm. Elgin served as a senior staff member
of the joint Presidential/ Congressional Commission on Population
Growth and the American Future. He was a senior social-scientist with
SRI International, where he co-authored major studies on the long-range
future for the Environmental Protection Agency, the President's Science
Advisor, and The National Science Foundation. He is the author of
Awakening Earth (Morrow, 1993) and Voluntary Simplicity
(Morrow 1981, 1993). Elgin has an M.B.A. from the Wharton Business
School and an M.A. in Economic History from the University of Pennsylvania.
Huey Johnson
the founder and president of the Resource Renewal Institute, Huey
Johnson has been the leading U.S. proponent of "Green Plans"
-- long-term, comprehensive strategies for achieving environmental
sustainability. He founded and served as president of the Trust For
Public Land, now America's fifth largest environmental organization.
From 1978 to 1982, he served as California's Secretary of Resources,
the state's top environmental official. He administered fourteen statewide
departments with 14,000 employees and an annual budget of $900 million.
As a Cabinet member, he advised the governor on program and policy
formulation. In March 1996, the President's Council on Sustainable
Development awarded him a Presidential Honor for his pioneering work.
He is the author of Green Plans: Greenprint for Sustainability.
Walter McGuire
of The Environmental Policy Center. The Environmental Policy Center
is the home of The Global Cities Project, a leading educational and
research organization promoting sustainable communities. McGuire advanced
presidential trips for the Carter White House, and he served as the
legislative advocate for the California Governor's Office in the early
1980s. He is one of the leading event organizers in the United States.
He played a pivotal role in preparing for the 1984 Olympic Games in
Los Angeles, advanced the Pope's trip to the United States, and organized
two Olympic Torch Runs. McGuire was the national field director for
Earth Day 1990, the largest environmental event in United States history.
Gary J. Schoennauer
of The Schoennauer Company, a planning consulting firm. As the Director
of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement, he was the most influential
planning official in the City of San Jose for twenty-five years. During
his tenure, San Jose changed from the focus of wide-spread criticism
for its policies promoting urban sprawl into a positive model of compact
sustainable development widely admired by planning professionals throughout
the United States. Under his leadership, San Jose's 2020 General Plan
combined firm urban growth boundaries with equally firm commitments
to higher intensity infill development -- and put all these policies
into a General Plan Sustainable City Major Strategy. In 1997,
Schoennauer was given the American Planning Association's highest
honor, the National Planning Award for Distinguished Leadership as
a Professional Planner.
Edward Vine, Ph.D.
at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Vine has been engaged in
energy efficiency and technology research and evaluation for twenty
years at LBNL. In addition to scores of projects throughout the United
States, he has completed assignments for The World Bank, The Organization
for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and for clients in
Japan, Austria, Denmark, Korea, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Canada,
and Lithuania. He is currently the President of the Presidio Center
on Global Change. Vine has written two books and more than two hundred
articles, reports, and presentations. He is currently an Affiliated
Faculty Member of the Energy and Resources Group at the University
of California, Berkeley and serves on the Board of Directors of the
Association of Energy Services Professionals.
Karen Walz
in Strategic Community Solutions. SCS provides strategic planning,
consensus building, and community involvement services. A significant
current client is The Dallas Plan, a public-private planning program
for Dallas' long-range future. Prior to forming SCS, Walz was Director
of Planning for Freilich, Leitner and Carlisle, managing planning
projects for clients nationwide. She has also served as the Manager
of Comprehensive Planning for the City of Austin and as Special Assistant
for Economic Policy at the Boston Redevelopment Authority. Ms. Walz
received a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Earth Sciences from
Stanford and a Master of City and Regional Planning from Harvard's
John F. Kennedy School of Government.
Michelle Yesney
of David J. Powers & Associates, a consulting firm specializing
in Environmental Impact Reports, Environmental Impact Statements,
environmental constraints analyses, and land use studies. Yesney served
as Director of the Office of Environmental Management for the City
of San Jose. She was instrumental in the development and management
of San Jose's innovative recycling programs, energy and water conservation
programs, and creation of municipal programs for water reclamation
and nonpoint source pollution. San Jose's Office of Environmental
Management created what may have been the first "Sustainable
City Program" integrated into day-to-day city functions.
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