Archived Video Stock Footage
Trees, Forests, Grasslands & Wetlands
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Of Leafless Trees - vs0114
11 Clips
TRT 2:26
Wide, medium, and close up shots of leafless tree silhouettes.
Static shot looking up at a leafless tree surrounded by trees
with leaves. Tall leafless tree with blue sky and wispy clouds.
Pan down from a leafless tree to snow on pine needles. Leafless
tree with blossoming tree below.
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Tree Textures
& Shapes - vs0115
6 Clips
TRT 0:54
Close up of a tree trunk with deeply grooved, rough bark. Close
ups of a madrone tree trunk and branches. Curving, textured
oak tree limbs. Looking up at a large tree trunk covered with
green moss. Pan up a large tree to its crown.
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Tree Leaves
& Glowing Sunlight - vs0206
6 Clips
TRT 2:51
Static close up of bright green oak leaves backlit by the sun,
then zoom out to medium shot of the tree with leaves glowing.
Then the zoom reverses. Close up of oak leaves at the end of
a branch in sunlight. Zooms in and out on a young oak tree in
late afternoon sun.
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Oak Trees
On Grassy Hillsides - vs0207
7 Clips
TRT 3:22
Static wide shot of a grassy green hillside, oak trees with
bright green leaves, and blue sky. Multiple zooms in to portrait
of an oak tree on a hillside, and zooms out to wide shots. Pan
of hillside with oaks. Close up of oak leaves blowing in the
wind and then zoom out to the whole tree on a hillside.
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Oak Silhouettes
& Bark Close-Ups - vs0208
8 Clips
TRT 5:50
Silhouette shots of a large oak tree on a hillside with a valley
below and blue sky above. Panning shots up and down the tree
showing its sprawling limbs and new green leaves. Static shots,
pans, and zoom ins to close ups of textured oak bark.
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Hillside Tree
& Forest - vs0209
9 Clips
TRT 5:05
Wide shots, pans, zooms, and close ups of an oak tree in sunlight
at the foot of a green grassy hillside. Close up of oak branches
and leaves, then zoom out to medium shot of tree. Pan down from
shaded hillside to an oak tree in the sun. Close up pan from
the base of an oak tree trunk up through the branches, and reverse.
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& Rangeland - vs0566
19 Clips
TRT 6:39
Static wide shots of grasslands with oil wells in the distance.
Panning shot of dry grassland next to a river. Zooming pan of
cows on rangeland. Zoom out from a wetland to a wide shot of
rangeland with a low mountain range in the distance. Shots of
grazing sheep. Shots from car driving by rangelands and cattle.
Zoom out from cowboys on horseback.
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& Sagebrush - vs0574
8 Clips
TRT 1:59
Scrublands with hazy sky and electrical towers in the distance.
Low hill covered with snow and small bushes. Wide shot pans
of a desert with sagebrush and rocky plateaus. Panning shot
of cattle moving through sagebrush. Shot from car driving by
rangeland with sagebrush.
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Wetlands &
Habitats - vs0575
11 Clips
TRT 2:47
Aerial wide shots of wetlands next to a river. Zoom out from
a wetland with birds and cows grazing in the distance to a wide
shot of expansive rangeland with a low mountain range in the
distance. Zoom out shots of a herd of cows next to a pond with
grasslands in the background.
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