Archived Video Stock Footage
Vehicle Recycling
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Auto, Car,
Truck Recycling - vs0179
13 Clips
TRT 2:44
Close up and medium shots of stacks of crushed cars being hauled
into a recycling facility on a flat bed semi truck. A tow truck
hauls a pickup truck to be shredded. Static shots of piles of
crushed cars, one showing a neighborhood in the background.
Close up of a car with a smashed windshield.
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Vehicles Prepared
For Shredding - vs0180
7 Clips
TRT 1:51
Shots of a claw excavator moving pieces of crushed vehicles
in preparation for shredding with a large pile of scrap metal
in the background and crushed cars in foreground. Shots of a
grapple hook picking up loads of scrap metal from a pile. Some
shots show both the claw excavator and the grapple in action.
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Auto Shredding
& Recycling - vs0181
15 Clips
TRT 4:14
Varied shots of a grapple loader picking up pieces of crushed
cars and placing them onto the loading platform of an auto shredder.
Static shot of the loading platform tilting up and a crushed
car sliding into the shredder. Shots of shredded car metals
dropping off the end of an inclined conveyor belt and onto a
pile. QuickTime
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Junk Yard
In Snow & Ice - vs0454
3 Clips
TRT 0:54
Panning shot of a junk yard with pieces of metal, a tire, a
rusting piece of heavy equipment, and an old truck surrounded
by heavy drifts of snow. Zoom out from a close up of an icicle
hanging from an equipment cage.
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