Archived Video Stock Footage
Lighthouses & Ships
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Explorer Cruise Ship - vs0134
4 Clips TRT 0:51
Wide shot of the Universe Explorer cruise ship on a bay.
Zoom out from close up looking at the dock to a wide shot
of the ship moving slowly toward the dock. View of ship
parallel to dock with a mooring line off its bow. Tight
shot of the ship bridge and bow with mooring lines attached. QuickTime
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Style Cruise Ship - vs0135
3 Clips TRT 0:35
Wide shot of modern style cruise ship docked with a red
double decker bus in the foreground. Cruise ship passengers
walking off the dock with cruise ship in background. A shot
of the bow of the ship moored to the dock with people walking
along the dock. Sunny with clear blue sky. QuickTime
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Old Mackinac
Point Lighthouse - vs0162
1 Clip TRT 0:31
Static shot of the Old Mackinac Point Lighthouse with green
trees in front. Warm evening light with clear blue sky. QuickTime
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North Pierhead Lighthouse - vs0163
1 Clip TRT 0:31
Static shot of the Manistee North Pierhead Lighthouse. The
lighthouse is on a pier with fog over the water in the background. QuickTime
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Big Sable
Point Lighthouse - vs0164
3 Clips TRT 1:32
Views of the Big Sable Point Lighthouse. Static shots looking
up at the white and black lighthouse with trees blowing
in a light breeze. Wide shot of lighthouse, attached red-roofed
building, trees, and low sand dunes. Sunny with wispy clouds
in a blue sky. QuickTime
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Lighthouse - vs0165
12 Clips TRT 5:47
Static shots of Frankfort Lighthouse at different times
and in various weather conditions. Lighthouse with calm
water at mid-day and dusk. Wide shot at dusk with light
reflecting off water. Wide shot of lighthouse and pier with
dark clouds above an orange sky at sunset. Some camera shake
caused by high winds for 3:28 | 7 clips out of 5:35 | 12
clips. QuickTime
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North Pierhead Lighthouse - vs0166
4 Clips TRT 2:22
Static shot of the Ludington North Pierhead Lighthouse at
sunset with orange sky, blue waters, people walking on pier,
and lighthouse light flashing on and off. Static wideshots
of lighthouse harbor at sunset with blinking warning light
on pier. Small boat moves in and out of one shot. QuickTime
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On River - vs0182
4 Clips TRT 3:35
Static side shots of long freighters on a river. Shots show
bow of ship entering the scene, the side of the ship passing
by, and then the stern exiting. One shot with sailboat and
motorboat passing. One elevated wide shot of freighter and
tugboat on river with a wharf building in the foreground. QuickTime
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On Great Lakes - vs0183
4 Clips TRT 4:06
Static side shots of long freighters on the Great Lakes.
Shots show bow of ship entering the scene, the side of the
ship passing by, and then the stern exiting. Two sunny shots
with no land visible. One sunny shot with distant hills
in background. One foggy shot with land in background. QuickTime
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Through Locks - vs0184
6 Clips TRT 3:40
Static shots of long freighter slowly passing through locks.
One shot with tugboat at side of ship. Wideshots of a freighter
passing through locks with a bridge in the background. Freighter
passing with cement lock wall and water in background. QuickTime
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Under Bridges - vs0185
2 Clips TRT 2:19
Two static wideshots of long freighters slowly passing under
large suspension bridges. One shot is windy with tree branches
in foreground. One shot is in foggy weather. QuickTime
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Freighter - vs0186
1 Clip TRT 0:30
One static wideshot looking down at an angle on a freighter
docked at a pier. City street and houses in foreground.
Water and far shore in background. QuickTime
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