Archived Video Stock Footage
Freight: Trucks & Trains
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Exhaust From Dump Trucks - vs0081
5 Clips TRT 1:31
Multiple close up views of diesel exhaust pipe emissions
from dump trucks driving down a road. Exhaust fumes visible
against trees in background. Zoom out from close up to wide
shot showing dump trucks in heavy car traffic. QuickTime
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Very Long
Coal Train - vs0272
4 Clips TRT 0:40
Very long train of identical coal cars moving past and away
at about a 45-degree angle. Countryside grassland setting.
Engine pushing train from rear. As engine passes, black
diesel exhaust is clearly visible. Hills with trees are
the backdrop as the train passes into the distance. QuickTime
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Rail Construction,
Ore Train - vs0385
3 Clips TRT 0:29
Shots of workers wearing hard hats doing railroad track
construction. Worker hammers a railroad tie with a sledgehammer.
Zoom out from close up of the rear of an ore train to wideshot
of train cars. Circa 1970s. QuickTime
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Transported By Trailer - vs0452
1 Clip TRT 0:21
View of a backhoe being pulled on a trailer by a dump truck.
A static shot shows the truck exiting a side road in the
background and becomes a shot of the truck, backhoe, and
trailer on the main road as it passes at a diagonal to the
camera. QuickTime
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Semi Trucks
In Operation - vs0493
30 Clips TRT 7:14
Close up of semi trucks and wheels. Semi hauling prefab
building followed by semi and trailer. Static medium shot
of truck with triple trailer turning left. Shots of a semi
on bridge, shot from car. Zooming pan of gas tanker truck.
Trucks driving past oil wells. Logging trucks in operation.
Semi trucks at night with slow shutter speed effect, shot
from car. QuickTime
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Load & Transport Logs - vs0551
47 Clips TRT 4:28
Varied clips showing the loading and transportation of logs
out of a forest. Workers loading, driving, and unloading
log trucks. Logging trains being loaded and in motion. Logs
sliding into water, log being rolled on pond, and logs being
towed by barge. Black and white, circa 1920s. QuickTime
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Logging & Technology - vs0553
38 Clips TRT 5:22
Horses being used for grading. Workers unload mechanical
lift carrying railroad ties and rails. Locomotive on tall
trestle bridge. Worker installing wire on a utility pole.
Worker climbing, topping, and descending a tall spar tree.
Rigging the spar. Logs being dragged and stacked by an electric
skidder and loader. Black and white, circa 1920s. QuickTime
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Trains & Freight Cars - vs0555
14 Clips TRT 2:24
Panning wide shot of freight cars in winter. Worker hammers
a railroad tie with a sledgehammer (circa 1970s). Zoom out
from close up of the rear of an ore train to wideshot of
train cars (circa 1970s). Shots of a long train of identical
coal cars. Engine pushing train from rear. Freight cars
stopped in background with logs and specially adapted large
front loader for log transport in foreground. QuickTime
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