Archived Video Stock Footage
Planes & Airports
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Flight - vs0048
12 Clips TRT 1:06
Shot in the Republic of Georgia, scenes include a helicopter
with rotating blades on the ground, pilots in flight, instrument
panel close-ups, views out open side door in flight, over
helicopters on the ground. QuickTime
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Car Trip
To Airport - vs0168
2 Clips TRT 1:11
Shot from moving car going to an airport. Taking a long
freeway exit ramp with views of airport exit signs. Driving
past a drop off area for departing flights, including unloading
cars, passengers with luggage, and a view of an airport
control tower in the background. QuickTime
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Air Terminal
Drop Off - vs0169
8 Clips TRT 3:20
Shot of rental car shuttle pulling up to curb, then pan
to other parked shuttle buses. Panning shot of terminal
drop off with cars, taxis, shuttles, airport worker directing
traffic, and passengers. Views from curbside of car traffic
and passengers unloading. QuickTime
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Main Airport Terminal - vs0170
7 Clips TRT 1:37
Wideshot of passengers with luggage inside an airport terminal
waiting in line to check in. Shots of passengers walking
through terminal and checking flight departure monitors.
Shots of passengers at a security checkpoint. QuickTime
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Arrival & Departure Gate - vs0171
6 Clips TRT 2:35
Wide shots of passengers waiting in line to check in at
a gate. Shots of airline employees at check-in counter.
Employee announcing flight info on an intercom with a flight
info sign in background. Pan out from people exiting gate
to view of passengers waiting to board plane. QuickTime
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Seen From Gate Windows - vs0172
9 Clips TRT 4:07
Varied shots of airplanes on the ground seen from airport
terminal windows. Views of workers, trucks, and luggage
carriers next to planes parked at gates. Shot of plane taxiing
and parking at gate. Shot of planes waiting in line and
taxiing. QuickTime
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Land At Tucson Airport - vs0323
3 Clips TRT 1:03
Static wide shot of plane flying low just before landing
at Tucson Airport with view of surrounding city and mountainside
in background. Wide panning shot of plane surrounded by
a background of gray clouds, then zooms out to distant wide
shot of Tucson. QuickTime
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