Archived Video Stock Footage
Pedestrian & Bicycle
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
& Biking Downtown - vs0012
19 Clips TRT 7:11
Diverse shots of people walking and bicycling in a busy
downtown area with heavy car traffic. Static wide shots,
zooms, and pans. Pedestrians walking on sidewalks, waiting
for lights, and crossing intersections. People waiting for
a bus. Bicyclists with car traffic. QuickTime
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Public Spaces & People - vs0091
6 Clips TRT 1:10
Wide shots of a large atrium with people walking in different
directions across the shiny floor and on a stairway in the
background. Shots of people walking down hallways, including
shots of legs and feet. QuickTime
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On The Street - vs0095
10 Clips TRT 2:19
Multiple shots of bicyclists on busy downtown streets with
heavy car traffic. Shots of cyclists crossing intersection
after waiting for a light. One shot of a recumbent bicycle.
Static wide shot of a man, woman, and child bicycling by
perpendicular to camera. QuickTime
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Crossing Street - vs0097
8 Clips TRT 3:01
Shots of pedestrians waiting for a light, stepping off a
curb, and crossing a street in a downtown area with heavy
car traffic. Man crossing a street in a wheelchair. Wide
and mediums shots. Static shots, pans, and zooms. QuickTime
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Using Subway Escalators - vs0107
7 Clips TRT 1:39
Varied shots of people using subway escalators. One shot
of a person riding up an escalator to street level. Wide
shot of people riding up escalator with people walking down
adjacent stairs. Profile views and angled shots of people
getting on and off escalators. QuickTime
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& Bicycle Facilities - vs0244
4 Clips TRT 1:50
Zoom out to wide shot of pedestrian walkway with bike racks
and lamp posts. Man walks down walkway. Pans of an elaborate
metal arch above the walkway. Bicycle parked in a bike rack
across a street with car traffic passing in foreground.
Zoom out to wide shot with second bike rack. QuickTime
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Traffic Signal Controls - vs0481
3 Clips TRT 1:01
Close up shot of pedestrian traffic signal control with
traffic in background. Zoom in to signal control from wideshot
of a freeway exit ramp. Signal control with heavy car traffic
passing in background. QuickTime
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From Moving Cars - vs0491
5 Clips TRT 1:06
Shots from moving car of sidewalks, parked cars on street,
driveways, and building facades. Some shots include views
of a bicyclist. QuickTime
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On City Streets - vs0492
10 Clips TRT 1:21
Close up of bicyclist waiting at a light, zooming pan to
wideshot as bicyclist goes through the intersection with
car traffic. Multiple shots from moving car passing bicyclists.
Shot of woman walking bicycle with attached child carrier. QuickTime
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