Archived Video Stock Footage
Roadway Maintenance & Auto Services
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Jackhammer & Compressor - vs0136
7 Clips TRT 2:40
Portraits, zooms, and close ups of a roadway worker breaking
up a road surface with a jackhammer. Portrait of compressor
motor, then zooms to close up. Jackhammer being carried
from compressor compartment. QuickTime
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For Street Resurfacing - vs0137
9 Clips TRT 2:30
Flashing yellow signal lights on a road maintenance trailer.
Worker moves a safety cone and then climbs into a truck
bed full of equipment. Pans of a ground and prepared road
surface. Close ups of ends of signal controller sensor wires
sticking out of pavement. Worker spray-painting orange guide
markers on roadway. QuickTime
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Lot & Working Farm Field - vs0306
2 Clips TRT 0:26
Low angle static shot of a large parking lot with parked
cars and lens flare from sun. Static shot of a full parking
lot with a tractor cultivating a farm field in the background.
Slow shutter speed effect. QuickTime
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Road Work
At Night - vs0308
2 Clips TRT 0:26
Shots of heavy equipment in a brightly illuminated area
along a roadway at night. Traffic passing by at an angle
in foreground. Slow and fast shutter speed effects. QuickTime
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Parking Structures - vs0475
6 Clips TRT 0:43
Parking garage with "Park" sign, car traffic,
and pedestrians in foreground. Zoom out from highrise parking
structure with parked cars visible. Driving by a parking
structure. Static shot from sidewalk in front of the entrance
to a parking garage with a large "Public Parking"
sign. QuickTime
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& Suburban Parking Lots - vs0476
17 Clips TRT 4:00
Static wide shots of cars parked in front of various large
retail stores. Cars driving through a fast food restaurant
parking lot. Shots from moving car include a big urban parking
lot, an expansive shopping mall parking lot, and fast food
parking lots. One short aerial shot. QuickTime
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On Street Parking - vs0477
3 Clips TRT 0:43
Shots from moving car of metered parking on urban streets.
Shots include views of many parked cars, pedestrians on
sidewalks, retail stores, and a park. QuickTime
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Sales & Rental - vs0486
6 Clips TRT 0:48
Shots from moving car passing by auto dealerships with flags
flying. Used car lots. Truck rental lots. QuickTime
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Service Facilities - vs0487
4 Clips TRT 0:20
Shots from moving car driving by automobile service facilities
(oil change, car tires, auto glass). QuickTime
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Cops & Police Car - vs0488
3 Clips TRT 0:30
Panning portrait of a motorcycle cop driving by and giving
the peace symbol. Static wide shot of motorcycle cops driving
down a road. Views of the rear of a police car, shot from
a car following it. QuickTime
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