Archived Video Stock Footage
Roadway Signs, Signals, Safety & Amenities
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
& Highway Trees - vs0116
3 Clips TRT 0:51
Two shots from a car driving down a multi-lane road with
young trees and small bushes planted in the median. One
static shot of a two-lane road with mature roadside trees,
pedestrians walking along the road, and a green lawn in
the foreground. QuickTime
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Guardrail At Night - vs0302
3 Clips TRT 0:46
Two close-ups and one wide shot of a car passing by a guardrail
at night in winter, snow on roadside. The guardrail is slowly
illuminated then fades back to black after the car passes.
The wide shot shows prismatic lens flare from the oncoming
car headlights. Shots use slow shutter speed effect. QuickTime
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Cars Go
Over Speed Bumps At Night - vs0307
3 Clips TRT 0:29
Three angled close-up shots showing the lower part of a
car and its wheels going over a speed bump at night. Two
of the shots use a slow shutter speed effect. QuickTime
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Sign Reading "American Way" - vs0310
4 Clips TRT 1:15
Varied shots of a street sign reading "American Way." One
close up shot of the sign. One wide shot with a shopping
center pedestal sign in background. Two shots include a
large pedestal sign for a casino and lounge in the background. QuickTime
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Intersections - vs0470
10 Clips TRT 1:33
Panning shot of a signalized intersection with multiple
traffic lights, pedestrian walk/don't walk light, and crosswalk
buttons on metal poles. Static shot of traffic light next
to a no turn symbol sign and a "One Way" sign. Two shots
of traffic lights hanging from wires. Multiple shots from
moving car. QuickTime
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& Freeway Signage - vs0478
5 Clips TRT 1:42
Wide shot and close ups of interstate highway number signs,
with "East, West," and arrow signs. Static shot of "Wrong
Way" sign on metal pole with a few cars passing in foreground.
View of over roadway exit sign on freeway with car traffic,
shot from moving train paralleling roadway. QuickTime
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City Street
Signs - vs0479
3 Clips TRT 1:22
Static shot of a no left turn symbol sign and a "One Way"
sign next to a traffic light. A zoom out shot from a yellow
pedestrian crossing warning sign to wide shot view of road
with car traffic. One shot of a no right turn symbol sign
on a metal pole. QuickTime
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Landscaping - vs0482
32 Clips TRT 6:38
Most shots from moving car. An urban roadway with street
trees on sidewalk. A residential area with small grassy
areas and trees between street and sidewalk. Neighborhood
roadsides with no sidewalk and tall bushes, trees, lawns,
stone walls, and wood fences. Roadside palm trees. Aerial
views of tree lined streets. QuickTime
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Soundwalls - vs0483
2 Clips TRT 0:41
Two shots of a tan colored concrete soundwall in a residential
area shot from a moving car. One shot begins with a zoom
out from a close up. Views of cars driving by the soundwall. QuickTime
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Art & Fountains - vs0484
4 Clips TRT 0:42
Shot from moving car passing a large statue on a tall base
next to a sidewalk and small plaza. Zoom in to close up
of fountain with cars passing in foreground. Static shot
of fountain in urban plaza with pedestrians. One archival
shot of people in front of a large fountain (circa 1970s). QuickTime
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& Rural Billboards - vs0485
11 Clips TRT 2:24
Most shots are static billboard portraits. American flag
with "God Bless America" text. Large "In God We Trust, United
We Stand" text. Hotel with "Indoor Pool." Rural fast food
"Welcome to Big Beef Country." Zoom, pan, and close up of
rural "Enjoy Beef. Real Food For Real People" billboard. QuickTime
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