Archived Video Stock Footage
Roadways: Types, Conditions & Special Perspectives
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Highways & Bridges - vs0041
5 Clips TRT 1:04
A divided highway and overpass, a bridge over a riverbed,
and a two-lane country road. Taken from a helicopter flying
over both developed and rural areas of the Republic of Georgia
(Eastern Europe). QuickTime
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Cars Through
Water After Storm - vs0285
5 Clips TRT 0:59
Shots of cars driving through and around a large puddle
of water in a shopping center parking lot after a storm.
Multiple zooms out from close ups of the ripples in the
water to wide shots with cars. QuickTime
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Roadway From Hillside - vs0324
5 Clips TRT 2:28
Wideshots of a busy freeway in Tucson, Arizona from a hillside.
Panning shots follow a semi truck with trailer, a large
RV towing a truck, and a small motor home. Two static shots
include views of cars, trucks, vans, charter buses, and
school buses. QuickTime
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With Snow & Ice - vs0428
25 Clips TRT 6:38
Snowy dirt road with adjacent "LOG TRUCKS" and "ROAD CLOSED"
signs. Panning shots from pine trees to dirt road with slush.
Panning shot of dirt road with snow and streams of water
running down the tire tracks. Small town traffic on snowy
roads. Two night time shots. QuickTime
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Panhandler - vs0464
4 Clips TRT 1:01
Man with mustache, fishing hat, sunglasses, and a couple
of bags sits on the grass next to an off ramp with car traffic
passing in front of him. One shot with man smoking cigarette.
One zooming wideshot with semi truck and trailer passing
by and view of pedestrian crossing button. QuickTime
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Panhandler-1 - vs0465
3 Clips TRT 2:19
Panhandler with long beard, bandana, and an acoustic guitar
standing on a roadside corner of a shopping center parking
lot with cars passing by. One shot of the man accepting
food items from a car that stops. Shot of man playing guitar
with cars driving by. QuickTime
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Rural Roads - vs0468
8 Clips TRT 1:53
Diverse shots of autos on paved rural roads. Two shots of
a truck towing a boat. One shot of a cowboy on horseback
crossing a road. Multiple shots of semi trucks and cars
on a road with oil wells in the background. One winter shot
of a road, guardrail, and a paper mill in the distance. QuickTime
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Dirt & Gravel Roads - vs0469
13 Clips TRT 2:01
Multiple shots of logging trucks on dirt roads, including
aerial wideshots in forest area with truck kicking up large
clouds of dust. Small gravel road with "KEEP OUT" sign.
Cow crosses gravel road and then truck drives by. QuickTime
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Surface From Car - vs0473
4 Clips TRT 0:29
Shots from moving car of paved road surfaces. Views of manhole
covers, worn pavement, directional arrows, intersection
lines, grills over water drains, and cars driving over broken
pavement. One close-up motion shot of a white dashed lane
line with reflectors. QuickTime
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Viewed From Above - vs0474
3 Clips TRT 0:18
One shot from a hill on a wide urban road with close up
and distant car traffic. Aerial birds eye view of car traffic
on an elevated freeway. One panning aerial of roads and
houses in a residential area. QuickTime
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