Archived Video Stock Footage
Alternative Fuel Vehicles
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Cars - vs0024
8 Clips TRT 1:05
Electric cars on display. Cars with signage, views of motor
and battery pack compartments, car with extensive photovoltaic
panels installed, side views of cars, and people viewing
cars. QuickTime
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BMW Automobile - vs0240
30 Clips TRT 8:43
Varied shots of a classic BMW automobile that has been converted
into an electric car. Views of power cord plugged into "gas"
tank next to clean air vehicle sticker. Shots with an "Electric
Vehicle Parking Only" sign. Varied zooms and pans of the
electric motor, wiring, and battery pack compartment. QuickTime
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Electric Car - vs0241
14 Clips TRT 4:21
Views of the Solectria Force electric car. Zooms to and
from wideshot of car to an "Electric Vehicle Parking Only"
sign. Close ups of power cable in "gas" tank next to diamond
lane access sticker. Wide shots and close-up pans of the
electric motor underneath the hood. QuickTime
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Think Car - vs0242
9 Clips TRT 3:10
Angled views from the rear passenger side of a white two
door electric car. Shots of a yellow electric power cord
going into the "gas" tank. Panning shot following the cord
along the ground and into the tank. Zooms to and from wideshot
of car to an "Electric Vehicle Parking Only" sign. QuickTime
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Motor Bike - vs0243
27 Clips TRT 6:19
Varied shots of an electric motor powered recumbent bicycle.
Portrait shots of the bike. Close ups of battery pack, large
chain ring, rear derailleur, power switches, gear shifter,
and battery level indicator. Shots of rider getting on the
bike and riding it up and down the street with and without
pedaling. QuickTime
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