Archived Video Stock Footage
Hydroelectric Power & Dams
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Dam, Reservoir
& Rivers - vs0044
16 Clips
TRT 2:35
Dam, creating Zhinvali reservoir, and supplying water and electricity
to the Republic of Georgia (Eastern Europe) capital of Tbilisi.
Also includes panning shots of related rivers. Taken from a
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Cheoah Dam
& Powerhouse - vs0276
13 Clips
TRT 5:12
Close ups of water cascading down Cheoah Dam, zoom out to wide
shot of dam, powerhouse, river, and hillsides. One river close
up. Shots of floodgates. Panning zoom from "WARNING DANGEROUS
WATERS" sign to a wide shot. Turbulent water discharged from
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Great Falls
- Volta Dam & Powerhouse - vs0294
12 Clips
TRT 2:35
Wide shot of Great Falls - Volta Dam and Powerhouse. Close ups,
medium shots, and zooms of white water coming down the dam face
and then down a rocky cascade. Medium shot and zoom out from
power house discharging water.
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Ocoee Dam
& Reservoir - vs0295
7 Clips
TRT 2:45
Various zooms out to wide shots of the Ocoee Dam. Zooms start
in the following locations - an American flag close up, on the
reservoir with boaters, and on a close up of water running down
the dam spillway. Clear afternoon lighting.
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Flaming Gorge
Dam - vs0296
6 Clips
TRT 2:10
Various zooms out to wide shots of the Flaming Gorge Dam and
surrounding rocky terrain. Zooms start in the following locations
- on close up of autos crossing dam, on an American flag and
dam related structures, and at the bottom of the dam in a ravine.
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Libby Dam
& Lake Koocanusa - vs0297
26 Clips
TRT 6:38
Close up of floodgates and spillway. Zooms out to wide shots
of dam, downstream river, and bridge. Varied shots of dam with
lights at night. Aerial views of dam and lake. "LIBBY DAM Visitors
Center" and "Boat Ramp" signs. Car crossing dam. Truck with
a boat trailer.
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Dam & Reservoir
- vs0298
2 Clips
TRT 1:48
Two aerial shots of a dam and reservoir. The first clip begins
above the downstream river and hillsides and then moves down,
over, and across the reservoir and dam. The second clip begins
showing the face of the dam then moves over the reservoir.
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Glen Canyon
Dam & Lake Powell - vs0300
20 Clips
TRT 6:32
Various zooms out to wide shots of the Glen Canyon Dam. Zooms
start - on dam face close up, on electrical power towers, and
on bridge with autos crossing. One pan up from river. Close
ups of dam base and side. View of Lake Powell, boats, and dam.
Shots with tourists.
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Cabinet Gorge
Dam & Powerhouse - vs0301
10 Clips
TRT 2:33
Medium shot of Cabinet Gorge Dam releasing water. Aerial views
of dam, powerhouse, river, and surrounding forest. Also aerial
views of power lines and towers paralleling the waterway.
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Large Dam
- vs0373
1 Clip
TRT 0:06
Zoom out shot of a large dam with a high volume of white water
being released.
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Fort Peck
Dam, Powerplant & Lake - vs0374
28 Clips
TRT 7:53
Close up, medium, zoom, and wide shots of Fort Peck Dam, power
plant, and lake. Views of lake with small peninsulas next to
grass land hillsides. Wideshots of power plant buildings next
to dam. Views of water rushing past cement pilings below the
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Archival Dam
& Power Lines - vs0546
3 Clips
TRT 0:18
One zoom out from large dam to wide shot with surrounding forest.
Two shots of a power tower on hillside, one with sky background
and one with hillside background. Archival, circa 1950s.
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