Archived Video Stock Footage
Gasoline Refining, Transport & Sales
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Oil Refinery
& Storage Tanks - vs0108
5 Clips
TRT 1:29
Close up, then zoom out to wide shot of an oil refining plant,
then pans to adjacent storage tanks. Close-ups of maze of piping,
chemical vents, and refinery cracking towers. Zoom out from
residential neighborhood to view of storage tanks. Warm morning
light and blue sky.
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Gasoline Truck
Transport Tanker - vs0290
1 Clip
TRT 0:28
This clip begins full frame on a semi truck and zooms out and
pans slowly as the truck passes, showing two gas tanks. After
the truck exits the frame the shot continues to pan and then
stops on the oil storage tanks in the background. Warm morning
light, blue sky.
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Gas Station
Signs - vs0363
5 Clips
TRT 1:39
Views of large gas station pedestal signs and one wall sign
close-up. Two shots contain prices ($1.21 unleaded). One sign
is next to a motel sign with "UNITED WE STAND" on the marquee.
Two shots include car traffic, one clip is repeated sped up
showing rapid car movement.
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Gas Stations
From A Distance - vs0364
4 Clips
TRT 0:51
Shots of gas station pedestal signs and buildings viewed from
a distance. Clips contain car traffic.
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Gas Stations
From Moving Car - vs0365
7 Clips
TRT 0:42
Views of gas stations shot from passing cars. Cars at gas pumps,
station signs, one small closed station, one nighttime shot.
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Refinery From
Car At Night - vs0366
6 Clips
TRT 1:38
Distant views of an illuminated oil refinery at night shot from
a moving car. Storage tanks, cracking towers, and buildings
with lights. Air emissions from stacks and vents. Light car
traffic, roadway visible in headlights. Film-like shutter speed
effect used on all shots. One red tinted letterbox shot.
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Oil Storage
Tanks On Coast - vs0367
3 Clips
TRT 0:15
Shots of oil storage tanks on a coastline with calm water in
the foreground.
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Archival Gas
Station - vs0544
2 Clips
TRT 0:15
Archival panning shots of a gas station. Gas pumps with a large
sign above that reads "BEST GAS Lowest Prices." Gas station
attendant standing in office doorway. Pan over to service bay
doors. QuickTime
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