Archived Video Stock Footage
Urban Trees
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Pink Flowering
Street Tree - vs0111
3 Clips
TRT 0:36
Views of a beautiful pink flowering street tree - a wideshot
of the tree filling most of the frame with the street and houses
in the background, a medium shot looking up at a large branch
and flowers, and a close-up of blossoms at the end of a branch.
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White Flowering
Street Trees - vs0112
6 Clips
TRT 1:31
White blossoming street trees shot from across the street, the
middle of the road, the bike line, and down the sidewalk. Includes
views with car traffic, parked cars, cyclists, and a jogger.
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Street Trees
With Autumn Colors - vs0113
6 Clips
TRT 1:01
Wide shot of rows of street trees with piles of fallen autumn
leaves. An old man walks below a tree with beautifully backlit
leaves. Shots looking up at golden leaves with trunk and branches
in foreground. Panning close-up of vivid yellow/orange leaves
against a blue sky.
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City Park
Trees - vs0117
7 Clips
TRT 1:34
Views of trees while driving through an urban park and by a
park with water the in background. City park trees with highrises
in background, shot from an elevated rail line. Rows of trees
lining a wide pathway. Trees on a groomed grass hillside.
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Trees In Urban
Centers - vs0119
5 Clips
TRT 0:56
Views of trees in urban environments. Shots of street trees
while driving. Shots of trees with tall buildings in background.
One pan from a high rise building to trees in a park with people
walking on a pathway.
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Pink Flowering
Park Tree - vs0121
3 Clips
TRT 0:38
Shots of a small pink blossoming park tree on a sunny day -
a wideshot of the whole tree on a lush lawn with orange flowers
and green trees in the background, and medium and close-up shots
of the flowers and trunk.
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Urban Tree
Planting - vs0448
2 Clips
TRT 0:06
Shots of a group of youths in green t-shirts and hard hats working
together to plant a tree on a city street. Cross-dissolve between
shots. QuickTime
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